01530 413 426 07860 826 566

Chartered Building Company & NHBC Registered House Builder

KM Beesley (Construction Services) Ltd have been providing building services for houses, extensions and alterations, in Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicester and Leicestershire for over three decades, and in that time have earned a reputation which is second to none from, mainly, recommendations and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

We employ a broadly skilled and highly qualified team of builders and other tradesmen who provide every aspect of a build, and we provide a complete design, planning and construction service.

By combining our local knowledge with our wide-ranging experience in the building trade, KM Beesley (Construction Services) Ltd will give you the most reliable, efficient and friendly building service in Leicester, Ashby-de-la-Zouch and the surrounding area.

Our Range of Domestic Building Services Include:

The Sun Lounge has Local Authority Type Approval; it consists of a ground floor conservatory with a traditional tiled roof, adding an additional room incorporating similar materials and detailing as the existing dwelling. Your room is warm in the winter and cool in the summer, not easily achieved by a conventional plastic conservatory. Its versatility offers differing floor finishes and ceiling heights, window & door types, etc.

By having a new build house, an extension, garage and loft conversions, we will produce for you, our valued client, initial feasibility sketches, through producing detailed plans and drawings, to the planning permission and building regulations for the entire construction.

All of our domestic building works are undertaken by our fully trained and qualified, time-served builders and contractors with our own plant and equipment, which results in the least amount of sub-contractors and hired-in plant and equipment. We own excavators ranging from one tonne up to thirteen tonnes; scaffolding and every type of small plant and ancillary equipment.

For Further Information From Leicester's Premier
Building & Construction Services Company, Call: 01530 413 426

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Charted Building Company

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